Vie Consulting is here to help you achieve CARF or Joint Commission accreditation.

Our Approach
Accreditation Prep
CARF and The Joint Commission maintain rigorous standards, yet is collaborative with clients in the accreditation process, as is VIE Consulting. Our role is to create, alongside our customers, the necessary documents to provide precise accreditation readiness, regarding effectiveness of service, efficiency, health and safety, and accessibility. With a goal to improve services to clients, we conduct a thorough evaluation of what you have, and what you need, in current policies and procedures, including:
Our Story
- Policy and Procedure Manual
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Corporate Compliance Program
- Risk Management/Strategic Planning Model
- Accessibility
- Information Technology
- Health and Safety Policy and Procedure Manuals
- Customized Assessment and Survey Instruments
- Customized Consumer Handbooks.
The multiple plans and the included areas that CARF and (TJC) The Joint Commission require can be overwhelming, so Vie consultants’ experience will direct your facility to focus on readiness and a positive experience.
We believe that preparation for an accreditation survey should begin at least 6-9 months before the accreditation visit. A service provider wants to make a positive impression on CARF or The Joint Commission immediately and our consultants are familiar with the expectations surrounding accreditation standards. We offer accreditation preparation services, onsite visits, documentation and policy review and an understanding of what to expect to prepare you for your initial survey.
Behavioral Health
While the term “behavioral health” covers a broad range of mental, health and biological issues, Vie Consulting serves many types of providers, from inpatient mental health and addiction facilities to intensive, outpatient family-based services. National accreditation represents leadership in adhering to high-level behavioral health standards.
CARF and (TJC) The Joint Commission includes in its accreditation programs employment and community service, to comprise work with the Veteran’s Administration and the Rapid Rehousing
Mock Surveys
Mock surveys, on-site review and technical assistance are the most efficient ways to prepare for any survey. A comprehensive baseline Organizational Assessment by Vie Consulting evaluates your organization’s current level of compliance with the specific standards that are applicable to the organization. A service provider’s specific scope of service, client population, and setting will dictate the assessment that we customize for you. This baseline assessment provides the foundation for developing a Customized Survey Preparation Plan for survey readiness.
An organization will benefit from a Mock Survey at various phases:
- Upon initial application for accreditation.
- After the organization undertakes a review of policies, procedures and documentation to conform to national standards and has begun implementation, prior to the survey.
- When adding a new program under a currently accredited organization.
- For organizations that have received a one-year accreditation, and are preparing for an accreditation renewal survey visit.
The consultants conduct a survey similar to the actual process, assisting the
Accreditation AfterCare
When better quality care, more efficiency and effectiveness are achieved through your first accreditation, it is worthwhile to enlist the assistance of Vie Consulting for accreditation aftercare. Your facility center is now expected to have demonstrated conformance to the policies and procedures for the past three years. Below are a few of the expectations:
- Semi-annual satisfaction surveys for clients, employees and stakeholders.
- Quarterly quality record review.
- Analysis of a myriad of required plans.
- Creation of an annual performance analysis.
- The required Annual Conformance to Quality Report (ACQR) or (TJC) Self assessment.
- A regular risk assessment and risk management plan.
- Semiannual, unannounced emergency and evacuation drills of six types by site and shift.
- And other maintenance issues as described in the standards manual.
Vie Consulting is poised to collaborate with you and your staff to conform to the ever-changing standards and provide services within the “Scope of Work” for another 3-year accreditation.
organization in familiarization of the accreditation survey process to obtain the best outcome.